"Community development has always been a priority for me. When I transitioned from a buzzing campus-based life to a regular community-based life outside of school, there was a void. KWIC filled that void by re-establishing my connection to the Trent community, but also provided invaluable connection to the innovative and energetic work of the youth and community that are part of KWIC’s work and programs. "
Liana Honsinger – Previous Volunteer, KWIC Board of Director
KWIC Board Members
Last Updated: October 2024
Executive Members
Ryan Sisson, M.Sc, EP — Board Chairperson
Manager, Community + Workplace Partnerships, Department of Co-op, Careers and Experiential Learning, Trent University
Dr. Stephanie Rutherford – Vice-Chairperson & Chair of the Fundraising Committee
Associate Professor, Environment and Resource Studies, Trent University
Faith Mwesigye — Secretary
Special Projects Coordinator, Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility (CHREA),
Trent University
Rebecca Hunt, CPA — Treasurer | Chair of the Finance & HR Committee
Director of Accounting, Canada, Belden Canada
Directors - General
Rahna Behdar - Chair of the Program Committee
BAH Social Work, Trent University
Carmella Valles
Immigration Consultant
Ngina Kibathi, MPA
Executive Director, President's Office, Trent University
Jillien Amalia Hone, MA–Social Justice & Equity Studies
Volunteer Administrator, New Canadians Centre Peterborough
Margaret Zou — Executive Director
KWIC Standing Committees:
Finance & HR Committee
Rebecca Hunt— Board Treasurer/Committee Chair
Faith Mwesigye, HR Liaison
Ryan Sisson, Board Chair
Stephanie Rutherford, Director
Margaret Zou, Executive Director
Fundraising & 35th Anniversary Committees
Stephanie Rutherford — Fundraising Committee Chair
Carmela Valles, Director
Ngina Kibathi, Director
Jillien Amalia Hone, Director
Melodie Ho, Community Member
Mitchell Parker, Community Member
Margaret Zou, Executive Director
Bethan Bates, KWIC Administration Coordinator - Finance and Resource Development
Nominations Committee
Ryan Sisson, Board Chair
Sam Rockbrune, Executive Director
Program Committee
Rahna Behdar— Committee Chair
Jillien Amalia Hone, Director
Marcelino Lopez, Social anthropologist and farmer
Mariana Castelli Rosa, PhD candidate in Cultural Studies and KWIC volunteer
Margaret Zou, Executive Director
Sarah Forrest, KWIC Program and Outreach Coordinator
TEACH Social Justice Certificate Program Committee (2023-2024)
Mauricio Interiano —TEACH Program Coordinator
Margaret Zou, Kawartha World Issues Centre
Karleen Pendleton Jimenez, Trent School for Education and Professional Learning
Patricia Wilson + Kharington Petgrave, Community Race Relations
Rachel Gilham, TRACKS Youth Program
Mauricio Interiano, New Canadians Centre
Yishin Khoo, True Peace Cavan Common Good Initiative
Julie Cosgrove, KWIC and True Peace Cavan Common Good Initiative
Join our Board of Directors
To apply, interested candidates should complete an application form including uploading a resume using the link here. Questions can be sent to jobs@kwic.info.
We are presently seeking skilled individuals (both lived experiences and formal education and experience) with finance, governance, fundraising, leadership, legal and/or global working experience to join our Board of Directors.
With that in mind, we encourage all with an interest in a governance volunteer role to submit an application, regardless of employment experience.
Full position description including time commitments, responsibilities and more can be found here.
Why Join Our Board?
The Board of Directors is the Legal Authority for the Kawartha World Issues Centre. As a member of the Board, a Director acts in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization. As a board member, you provide leadership and governance to our charity, ensuring we are working towards our mission. This is a wonderful opportunity to make an impact in our community.
KWIC is at an exciting moment, as we will be implementing our new 2024-2027 Strategic Plan (approved by the Board in 2023) and will be celebrating our 35th anniversary in 2024. There has never been a more urgent time, nor a more exciting moment for global solidarity. We invite you to join us as we work together to create a more just, sustainable world.
To apply, interested candidates should complete an application form including uploading a resume using the link here. Questions can be sent to jobs@kwic.info.