B!KE’s Kids Bike Build on again this April
Peterborough’s community bike shop is once again seeking donations of used children’s bikes in preparation
for their annual Kids’ Bike Build event. Donated bikes will be refurbished and offered free of charge to
organizations working with children and families.
“Riding a bike can be such a fun and liberating activity for a child,” said B!KE Executive Director Mark
Romeril. “We want to do what we can to ensure that opportunity is available to all children in our
This year’s build day will take place April 14, with B!KE volunteers and mechanics from other local bike shops
donating their time to repair and check the bikes. In previous years as many as 60 kids’ bikes have been
refurbished and provided to organizations including the New Canadians Centre, Haliburton Children’s Aid,
Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre, Kawartha Boys and Girls Club and the YES Shelter for Youth and Families.
B!KE welcomes donations of any children’s bike up to a 24 inch wheel size. Ideally, donated bikes should
have all major parts like wheels and handlebars. Donations can be dropped off at 293 George St. N. anytime
during business hours up till April 12. Arrangements for larger volume donations can be made by contacting
B!KE at 705-772-7557 or info@communitybikeshop.org.
B!KE also accepts donations of adult-sized bikes and bike parts year-round.
B!KE is a Peterborough-based non-profit charitable organization which operates a teaching workshop for
bike repair, sells new and used bikes and parts, and provides information and education on bikes and biking.