Do you Airbnb? Property Law, Short-Term Rentals, and Affordable Housing

-- 07:00 pm ~ 08:30 pm
Bagnani Hall, Catharine Parr Traill College - 311 Dublin Street

Hear from Dr. Kellen Zale, 2023 Trent University Fulbright Chair

Cost: Free

Please join Dr. Kellen Zale, Associate Professor of Law and the George Butler Research Professor at the University of Houston Law Center for a conversation on the intersection of short term rentals, property law, and the crisis of affordable housing. 

Professor Zale researches and teaches property law, land use, real estate, and local government law. Her scholarship has appeared or is forthcoming in the Stanford Law ReviewUniversity of Pennsylvania Law Review, and the Harvard Environmental Law Review, among other publications.

A reception will follow and everyone is welcome.

Catharine Parr Traill College, School for the Study of Canada / École d’études canadiennes, Trent/Swansea Law Dual Degree Program and Fulbright Canada