International Day of Action for COP 27

Event Poster

Civil society groups around the world are calling for a global day of action on the climate catastrophe to urge governments to cut greenhouse gas emissions and shift to a low-carbon economy. The day of action will take place on Saturday, November 12th, at the midpoint of the COP 27 UN climate talks. The COP27 coalition, which campaigners are invited to join, will call for an end to fossil fuel expansion and for help for the poor and vulnerable who are most affected by the climate crisis. They will set up forums for grassroots level activism, and call for marches and protests by millions of people to put pressure on the 196 global governments  expected to gather for the COP27 talks.


Peterborough's response to this crisis is to meet at the Ministry of Natural Resources on Saturday, November 12th at 11 a.m. where there will be short speeches followed by a walk to City Hall (up George St. on the sidewalk) ending at the Whistle Stop Café where participants can write letters to their local, provincial and federal politicians.  Please bring signs and noise makers.  Everyone is welcome as we send our strong Peterborough message to the COP27 climate talks. 


Organized by Peterborough Alliance for Climate Action and For Our Grandchildren.