Ontario Stop Ignoring the Poor and Disabled

-- 11:00 am ~ 02:00 pm
MPP Dave Smith's constituency office 1123 Water St

We demand that the Government double ODSP and OW Shelter and Basic Needs Allowances. The Shelter Allowances actually need to be tripled to reflect the true cost of average market rent which all clients need if they are not living in RGI Housing programs. Unfortunately Housing programs are full with long waiting lists leaving many ODSP and OW clients to use part or all of their Basic Needs Allowance to pay for over priced Average Market Rent. We ask that ODSP and OW Shelter and Basic Needs Allowances be doubled so that Homeless ODSP and OW clients can have a shot a renting a place so they don't have to stay in encampments, tents or the Shelter System for up to 20 yrs waiting for their own apartment. If the Shelter Allowances do get doubled immediately ODSP and OW clients will still have to dip into their Basic Needs Allowance to cover the true cost of average market rent. They will still need some money for Healthy Food and other Neccessities.

Bring a lunch with you so you can keep up your energy. Please be aware that the closest washrooms are in the Daisy Mart, and our use of those facilities cannot be guaranteed. We will be maintaining social distance and ask that you wear a mask.

We are gathering at MPP Dave Smith's constituency office at 1123 Water St in solidarity with the protest at Queen's Park on June 1st, 2021 from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm organized by ODSP Action Coalition and POOF Protecting ODSP OW Funding.

Please make protest signs but please refrain from using vulgarity, cursing or profane language on your signs as we want the Media to air pictures, if any are willing to do so. 

We need unity all across Ontario and ask that you try to get family, friends and neighbors to join in this protest so that the Media and Government can't continue to ignore us.

ODSP Action Coalition and POOF Protecting ODSP OW Funding thank you in advance for stepping up to help win this fight.


Andrea Hatala

ODSP Action Coalition

Isabella Gamk

POOF Protecting ODSP OW Funding

The organizer of this solidarity protest in Peterborough, Stephen Ginley, is doing so out of a concern for those in his community surviving poverty. He is an abled person who has not needed ODSP or OW to secure basic needs. If something about this event or lacking from this event concerns you, please reach out by private message or posting in the facebook event. If you would like to share your testimony about surviving poverty, homeslessness, or disability, including testimony about living off the money provided by ODSP or OW, please reach out and we can arrange for you to speak at the gathering, if you want.
