Tamara Lorincz Workshop

-- 03:30 pm ~ 05:00 pm

3:30-5 PM, Peterborough Public Library Multipurpose Room

Followed by hob-nob at the Whistle Stop (5:15 -6 PM)


Tamara Lorincz, a Rotary International World Peace Fellow, and former senior researcher for the International Peace Bureau in Switzerland, will present a workshop on the current activities of NATO and relate this to the climate crisis. 

As the war in Ukraine rages, do you wonder what “security” can mean in a world that is rapidly becoming uninhabitable?

Much of the public discussion of the climate crisis omits the role of militarization in blocking progress to reverse global warming.  NATO determines the military program of most of the countries that contribute most of the world’s carbon emissions. Tamara is studying what is going on and what can be done about it.

We are very lucky that she is available to come and discuss all this in Peterborough!

If you are planning to come, please reply to this message to let us know, as there is limited space.  Your reply will be your ticket to enter.

Presented by: the Peterborough Peace Council.  The Peterborough Peace Council organizes the Hiroshima Day Lantern Ceremony each year and occasional peacebuilding events such as this one.

For more information, call Gianne Broughton, 705-917-2109.

Regarding Tamara Lorincz: https://www.balsillieschool.ca/people/tamara-lorincz/