The Youth Facilitators Collective is comprised of youth between the the ages of 17-26 who develop a variety of social-justice and youth-leadership workshops that are educational, participatory and FUN! Facilitators are primarily university students, including Queen's and Trent Bachelor of Education students.
The Collective’s peer-mentorship model encourages dialogue and understanding of local and global issues, inspires hope and is a catalyst for change. Our work is grounded in Popular Education (Education for Change), decolonization, anti-oppression/anti racism and feminists frameworks. We are committed to learning and education that is accessible and accountable.
For more information or to get involved with the Youth Facilitator's Collective, please contact us or call us @ 705-748-1680.
Collective workshops have included:
Youth as Agents of Change in the Sustainable Development Goals
Young people around the world play a critical role in shaping the 2030 Agenda and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Young people are calling for peace, justice, inclusion, gender equality and human rights. They have the power to determine the future and create a pathway to a world where balance and equity can be found and where no one is to be left behind. This workshop focuses on the progress young people have made across Canada to combat some of the world's worst challenges.
This interactive workshop is a life-size board game simulation, exploring the connections between climate change and global migration. By playing CLIMIGRATION participants will gain an understanding of international relationships and politics between the Global North and South, the disproportionate effects of climate change (economic, political, social, ecological), and the recent emergence of climate refugees.
Education for Change: Popular Education 101
Experience a different way of participatory learning and teaching, where everyone is both a learner and a teacher! Learn about the history of popular education, its applications, and how beginning from our own experiences can be the first step towards social change.
Introduction to Workshop Facilitation
Learn what makes for good design and facilitation in order to ensure any meeting or workshop you host runs smoothly!
Creating Inclusive & Welcoming Spaces
This experiential workshop will address barriers to youth involvement, and encourage participants to reflect on and share their own experiences as youth. We will also discuss the value of diverse youth leadership and engagement while brainstorming ways we can all actively work to create welcoming spaces in our communities
Youth Leadership Tool Box
Customized youth leadership workshops can be offered on a fee for service basis. Past examples include Creating Consensus-based Leadership workshop and customized Effective Event Communication Strategies workshops for local high-school student councils.