KWIC is pleased to host students for various job placements, internships and opportunities throughout the academic year. We provide students with opportunities to get involved in social and environmental justice education and action initiatives, while developing transferrable skills through on-the-job experience. KWIC is dedicated to providing a supportive and nurturing not-for-profit work environment. To discuss student placements, please contact us as: info@kwic.info
Placement availability changes each year, through:
Trent International Subsidy Program (TIP)
TIP provides subsidies for on-campus part-time jobs for Trent University international students. Since full-fee-paying international students have financial need but are not eligible for TWSP-subsidized on-campus positions, the Trent International Program offers subsidies for Trent departments, programs and affiliated groups to hire international students during the academic year.
TIP jobs are posted on the KWIC website and Trent Student Job Board.
Trent Work Study Program (TWSP)
TWSP funded positions provide subsidies for on-campus part-time jobs for eligible Trent University students. Student must received an eligibility confirmation email from the Registrar's Office prior to applying for these positions.
TWSP eligibility jobs are posted on the KWIC website and Trent Student Job Board.
Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) Creation Program
CSJs is a Federally-funded youth employment program for Canadian youth up to 30 years of age at the time of hiring that supports universities, businesses and the not-for-profit sector to create meaningful summer youth employment opportunities.
Canada Summer Job positions are posted on the KWIC website and Trent Student Job Board in the spring.
Alternative Student Placements:
Students interested in social and environmental justice education can complete their alternative settings placement at KWIC. Projects and experiences may include:
- Creating curriculum-based workshops for both high school and elementary students;
- Outreaching to and communicating teachers and schoolboards to book workshops;
- Delivering in-school, virtual (and in person when possible) workshops.
KWIC currently accepts education students through the Trent and Queen's University education programs, and BSW students through Trent University and Fleming College.
Student Internships:
Trent Community Research Centre
TCRC is an independent, charitable organization that connects post secondary students and faculty with local organizations to create community-based research, community service-learning and experiential education opportunities.
IMPACT is a leadership program open to all students at Trent University. IMPACT is for students who wish to engage in self-exploration and personal development, learn to work collaboratively with others, and develop a sense of citizenship through community engagement. IMPACT is for students who believe in the power of leadership to affect positive social change.